Health & Safety Management
A Health and Safety Management System is a definitive plan of action designed to prevent accidents/incidents and occupational diseases. All businesses require one under Occupational Health and Safety legislation which also governs its content. J.G. Safety Consulting Ltd. can build & maintain your Health and Safety Management Systems from scratch or improve and fill gaps in your existing one.
Employee health & safety handbooks are a good resource for all your workers to have to reference certain legislation and responsibilities, rules and regulations pertaining specifically to your company's rules, created to your company's operations and much more. We build them company specific to what you require and has been found to be very successful with providing this to each of your employees for quick references on your health and safety management system and makes for an effective tool in meeting compliance.
JG Safety Consulting Ltd. can also sub-contract it's consultants as your in-house OH&S specialist to maintain your compliance, conduct worksite inspections, train safety personnel and more.